if virsh (terminal) created snapshots do not show up in virt-manager, try the refresh button at the bottom
good luck all involved
related links:
- https://dwaves.de/2021/08/12/gnu-linux-how-to-kvm-qemu-start-clone-multiple-disks-snapshot-restore-revert-delete-shutdown-all-vms-start-all-vms-with-keyword-in-name-snapshot-all-vms-add-remove-disks/
- https://dwaves.de/2020/12/05/gnu-linux-debian-10-11-how-to-install-kvm-virtualization-qemu-basic-virsh-commands-kvm-cheat-sheed-howto-workaround-virt-manager-emulator-may-not-have-search-permissions-for-the-path/
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