yes it’s possible via eclipse plugin called “corrosion” X-D (wondering when the WD40 will come into play? oh wait hewego…)
but it’s not easy to get working X-D
because for some reason
debugging only works
when eclipse is started via terminal
not when started via desktop icon or from the menu
to set a breakpoint in eclipse go to the line then Ctrl+Shift+B
to start debugging hit F11
it SHOULD stop at the breakpoint X-D
rust game engines?
yes they exist (youtube)
- CrossOS! (GNU Linux, Win, MacOS, Browser, iOS, Android)
- Fyrox Game Engine
- <- runs IN THE BROWSER
- thanks to webassembly 3D RUNNING IN THE BROWSER!!!? 😀
- this user is RUSTING OUT! X-D 60FPS OpenGL in the browser from rust? this is pretty amazing
- last but not least
there is actually a web based editor but it has no breakpoints or step debugging
might also be interesting: multiplayer online IDE 🙂
about: why rust?
hate loading times? rust is as C++ fast and unfortunately not easier to program than “user friendly” as C++
(from src): Performance: Fast and memory-efficient, suitable for critical services, embedded devices, and easily integrated with other languages.
Reliability: Our rich type system and ownership model ensure memory and thread safety, reducing bugs at compile-time.
Productivity: Comprehensive documentation, a compiler committed to providing great diagnostics, and advanced tooling including package manager and build tool (Cargo), auto-formatter (rustfmt), linter (Clippy) and editor support (rust-analyzer).
why the name?
why the dirty name? usually users associate rust with metal that is broken down by oxygen into not-so-usefull dirt
“named it Rust, after a group of remarkably hardy fungi that are, he says, “over-engineered for survival”” (src)
About the original compiler author:
Graydon Hoare quit Mozilla and worked for the payment network, Stellar building a distributed transaction processor for a year and a half. [undefined] In early 2016, he received a call from Apple Inc to work on Swift (programming language) (src (Wiki)
- “think safety is improving in some ways (including, sure, deployment of safer languages; though many other technical measures also help) but in other ways, we’re just treading water, or getting worse.”
- “Partly this is because we keep building more and more complex new computing systems: complexity beyond comprehension means we often can’t even define safety, much less build mechanisms that enforce it.”
- “And partly we just have such a massive backlog of existing incorrect software in the field that computers really only continue to function on a day-to-day basis with extensive human supervision, on-call ops teams, tech-support teams and maintenance coders and so forth.”
- “To say nothing of bad actors: there’s so much vulnerable software in the field that they can always find an exploit.”
- “Like much of the legacy of the 20th century, there’s just a tremendous mess in software that’s going to take generations to clean up, assuming humanity even survives that long”
- “Rust rewrites of C or C++ code can work if there’s sufficient motive and budget, and if they’re otherwise appropriate to the technical context. But that’s a lot of if’s. Rewriting can also be focused, partial, one library or subsystem at a time. The various modules of Firefox being rewritten in Rust are a case in point: it’s now a hybrid C++-and-Rust program” (src:
= so UNIX KISS IT! 🙂
- NPC: (basically AI)
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