there are multiple ways to allocate memory dynamic with c:

  • malloc()
  • calloc()
  • realloc()
  • alloca() (not ANSI C standard but implemented in most c compilers, advantage: no need to call free() after variable end of life, the reserved space will be freed automatically (similar to python open(file))
  • RAM that was freed with free() is not immediately released back to the kernel, to (maybe) re-use it during the runtime of the program, when the program exits, the RAM is given back to kernel
  • if after malloc() the dev forgets to free() RAM it’s mostly affecting long running server services (get slower and slower because of “memory leaks”)
    • that’s why it is important to free reserved RAM directly after use and initialize all variables with NULL

conversation with ChatGPT: ram management: heap vs stack?

ChatGPT 4.0:

“In programming, memory management often involves two primary areas: the heap and the stack. These two regions serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics:

Stack Memory:

  1. Definition: Stack memory is used for static memory allocation, typically for variables declared inside functions, method calls, and primitive types.
  2. Structure: It follows a Last In, First Out (LIFO) order, meaning the most recently added item is the first to be removed.
  3. Allocation/Deallocation: Memory allocation and deallocation on the stack is automatic and efficient. When a function is called, memory for its local variables is allocated on the stack, and when the function exits, that memory is automatically deallocated.
  4. Size: Stack memory is generally limited in size, which can cause a stack overflow if too much data is pushed onto the stack (e.g., deep recursion or excessive local variables).
  5. Access Speed: Fast access due to the sequential nature of the stack.
  6. Lifetime: The lifetime of stack variables is bound to the function’s scope. Once the function exits, stack variables are destroyed.
  7. Usage Example: Local variables and function call information, such as return addresses and parameters.

Heap Memory:

  1. Definition: Heap memory is used for dynamic memory allocation, typically for objects and data structures that need to persist longer or vary in size.
  2. Structure: The heap is a larger pool of memory used for allocating memory blocks of arbitrary sizes.
  3. Allocation/Deallocation: Memory on the heap must be manually managed using functions like malloc()/free() in C/C++ or using new/delete in languages like C++ or automatic garbage collection in languages like Java and Python.
  4. Size: The heap is usually larger than the stack, allowing for more flexible storage. However, excessive allocation can cause heap fragmentation or out-of-memory errors.
  5. Access Speed: Slower access compared to the stack because heap allocations are scattered in memory, making them less cache-friendly.
  6. Lifetime: The lifetime of heap variables is not limited to the function scope; they persist until explicitly freed (or garbage collected).
  7. Usage Example: Large data structures like linked lists, trees, or objects that need to live independently of function calls.


Aspect Stack Heap
Memory Size Limited and fixed Large and variable
Access Speed Faster (more cache-friendly) Slower (requires pointer dereferencing)
Allocation Type Static (predefined at compile time) Dynamic (allocated during runtime)
Lifetime Function-bound Managed manually or by garbage collection
Fragmentation No fragmentation Can cause fragmentation
Use Case Function calls, local variables Long-lived objects, large data structures

When to Use Each:

  • Stack is ideal for small, short-lived variables such as function parameters and local variables.
  • Heap is necessary for larger data structures and objects whose lifetimes exceed the function scope or need dynamic resizing.”

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