while loop:
One way to do it is:
while read p; do echo "$p" done <peptides.txt
As pointed out in the comments, this has the side effects of trimming leading whitespace, interpretting backslash sequences, and skipping the trailing line if it’s missing a terminating linefeed. If these are concerns, you can do:
while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ] do printf '%s\n' "$p" done < peptides.txt
Exceptionally, if the loop body may read from standard input, you can open the file using a different file descriptor:
while read -u 10 p; do ... done 10<peptides.txt
Here, 10 is just an arbitrary number (different from 0, 1, 2).
src: stackoverflow.com
for loop:
iterate over all lines of a file with the for loop: with an ever incrementing counter
vim /scripts/loop_over_file.sh #!/bin/bash LINES_COUNTED=$(cat $1 | wc -l) for ((i = 0 ; i < $LINES_COUNTED ; i++)); do # some verbose debug output: # echo " currently processing line number" $i of file $1 # print line number i awk "NR==$i" $1 # alternative: # sed '10!d' $1 done # after chmod +x /scripts/*.sh # call script like this /scripts/loop_over_file.sh /path/to/filename.txt
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