mail is still THE most used communication service (even before WhatsApp), spam is a massive problem renders mail hard to use.
Every once and a while websites and databases get hacked and spammers update their databases.
Is your mail address in a spam database?
you can check here ->
Troy Hunt’s mail address is amongst these too… “Getting on to the data itself, the first place to start is with an uncomfortable truth: my email address is in there. Twice:”
why would you type in your password into a website?
i trust the Aussies… but well to check if your password is “hacked” or still save (maybe you should not type in the TOP SECRET passwords just the “used everywhere not important” passwords…
“I’ve aggregated these passwords from a variety of different sources, starting with the massive combo lists I wrote about in May. These contain all the sorts of terrible passwords you’d expect from real world examples and you can read an analysis in BinaryEdge’s post on how users are choosing their passwords on the internet. I began with the list which has 805,499,391 rows of email address and plain text password pairs. That actually “only” had 593,427,119 unique email addresses in it so what we’re seeing here is a heap of email accounts with more than one password. This is the reality of these combo lists: they’re often providing multiple different alternate passwords which could be used to break into the one account.
I grabbed the passwords from the list which gave me 197,602,390 unique values. Think about this for a moment: 75% of the passwords in that one data set had been used more than once. This is really important as it starts to put shape around the scale of the problem we’re facing.” (src)
Thanks Mr Hunt for your services, he is working for Microsoft… *great*
as seen on – they blame the Russians for everything.
Interesting cybersec links: (in Russian helps)
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