Brother 9460 CDN is a reliable old Brother LAN enabled Multifunction (MFC, Print, Scan, Fax) device.
tested on/with:
dell laptop E4310 + debian linux 32bit + brother 9460 cdn connected via LAN
root@DebianLaptop:~# hostnamectl
Static hostname: DebianLaptop
Icon name: computer-laptop
Chassis: laptop
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)
Kernel: Linux 4.9.65
Architecture: x86
it is basically “all you need” – but why do company’s once they have a reasonable working product keep shoving useless updates into your market-face? instead of sticking with the version that worked and probably also sold best? (Learn from Nokia! They should have simply continued their 3110 forever and ever after… instead of jumping on the MultiTouch Android train).
I HATE the touch interface of the Brother 9330… it will make you feel clumsy as poo the bear.
But how well is it’s linux support?
it is great Brother supports rpm and deb which should work for most linux users.
apt-cache search scan|grep simple
simple-scan – Simple Scanning Utility
apt-get install simple-scan
downloaded the drivers…
dpkg -i brscan4-0.4.4-4.i386.deb; # install the scan drives
for scanning over LAN / Network Users:
***Use brsaneconfig (for brscan models), brsaneconfig2 (for brscan2 models), brsaneconfig3 (for brscan3 models) or brsaneconfig4 (for brscan4 models) accordingly.
Add network scanner entry
Command : Brsaneconfig4 -a name=(name your device) model=(model name) ip=xx.xx.xx.xx
in my case:
brsaneconfig4 -a name=BROTHER9460CDN model=9460CDN ip=
Confirm network scanner entry
Command : brsaneconfig4 -q | grep (name of your device)
in my case:
brsaneconfig4 -q | grep BROTHER9460CDN
Open a scanner application and try a test scan.
funny i could also use the Laptop’s inbuilt webcam for “scanning” X-D NICE WORK LINUX CODERZZZ!
I love that red scan bar… keep it that way 🙂
here is the 300dpi scan result: (click on it for full resolution)
thanks man!
also tested on/with: CentOS RedHat + LAN connected Epson Stylus SX510W
this is just lovely… scan over network! WORKS 🙂
system used:
[user@centos ~]$ hostnamectl Static hostname: centos.template Icon name: computer-desktop Chassis: desktop Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7 Kernel: Linux 4.15.1 Architecture: x86-64
1. get it to print via CUPS (use the webinterface! sometimes Gnome2 printer tool fails!)
Network scanning required installing drivers from Epson, called Epson iscan. If your distro has it in its repos you are good to go, if not then you can download it from
Once you download this, extract it and run the script. After that you need to edit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf and add epkowa (and net if it doesn’t exist) in it like this:
# /etc/sane.d/dll.conf – Configuration file for the SANE dynamic backend loader net epkowa
Then, edit the
vim /etc/sane.d/epkowa.conf
file and add an entry with the IP of your scanner:
# epkowa.conf — sample configuration for the EPKOWA SANE backend usb scsi net # net autodiscovery
And that’s all, now both iscan and xsane will be communicating with your scanner over the network. I do not yet have a preference to one or the other utility, though iscan seems to be better at previewing.
Steve Jobs (R.I.P) “IT JUST WORKS” 🙂
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