one partly cloudy day i was trying to copy things via usb stick… it would not work.

i realized: i haven’t used NTFS for a while 😀

yum install ntfs-3g fuse

replug the stick.

you don’t even have to restart the machine.

How to Mount an NTFS Filesystem

[Note: if you are running a centosplus kernel, see this section]

Installing required packages

<!> While older ntfs drivers were prone to eat your data in r/w-mode, ntfs-3g seems to be r/w safe. See the ntfs-3g page for more information.

The EPEL repository carries ntfs-3g packages for CentOS-7 and CentOS-6. To install, after enabling the EPEL repo per the Repositories page:

yum install ntfs-3g fuse 

or if you prefer to leave EPEL disabled by default

yum --enablerepo epel install ntfs-3g fuse 

You may also want to

yum install ntfsprogs ntfsprogs-gnomevfs 

for additional functionality. Take, for example, ntfsclone to copy ntfs-partitions with or without empty space. ntfsprogs-gnomevfs is only available for CentOS 6.

Mounting an NTFS filesystem

Suppose your ntfs filesystem is /dev/sda1 and you are going to mount it on /mymnt/win, do the following.

First, create a mount point.

mkdir /mymnt/win 

Next, edit /etc/fstab as follows. To mount read-only:

/dev/sda1       /mymnt/win   ntfs-3g  ro,umask=0222,defaults 0 0 

To mount read-write:

/dev/sda1       /mymnt/win   ntfs-3g  rw,umask=0000,defaults 0 0 

You can now mount it by running:

mount /mymnt/win 


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