Mac OS X

Using Homebrew (yes, I am opinionated) you can install the following tools with the following packages:

brew install proctools # to install pgrep, pkill, etc.
brew install pstree # to be able to use pstree
brew install vnstat # to be able to use vnstat
brew install ncdu # to use ncdu
brew install ipcalc # to use the almighty ipcalc
brew install htop # to use htop
brew install ack # to use the awesome ack
brew install lsof # to use the amazing lsof

Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS

Using YUM you can install the tools with the following RPM packages:

yum install proctools # same as brew package
yum install psmisc # for pstree
yum install vnstat # for vnstat
yum install ncdu # for ncdu
yum install initscripts # for ipcalc - should already have this, I think?
yum install htop # for htop
yum install ack # for ack
yum install lsof # for lsof

Ubuntu/Debian APT

Using APT you can install the tools with the following RPM packages:

apt-get install procps
apt-get install psmisc
apt-get install vnstat
apt-get install ncdu
apt-get install ipcalc
apt-get install htop
apt-get install ack
apt-get install lsof


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