one cloudy day decided to checkout the log of my server and vestacp provides server -> SHOW: CPU / MEM / NET… a nice overview, output of some server statistics…
under “net” you see all network connections of your server… one was to this ip, so wanted to know whois this ip?
but SUSE does not have whois preinstalled…
this is what happened next:
Suse Enterprise Server12 (SLE-12-SP2-Server-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso)
suse:/proc/2176 # whois 46.151.26.XXX If 'whois' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this: cnf whois suse:/proc/2176 # cnf whois Das Programm 'whois' kann im folgenden Paket gefunden werden: * whois [ Pfad: /usr/bin/whois, Repository: zypp (SLES12-SP2-12.2-0) ] Try installing with: zypper install whois suse:/proc/2176 # zypper install whois Repository-Daten werden geladen... Installierte Pakete werden gelesen... Paketabhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst... Das folgende NEUE Paket wird installiert: whois 1 neues Paket zu installieren. Gesamtgröße des Downloads: 71,7 KiB. Bereits im Cache gespeichert: 0 B. Nach der Operation werden zusätzlich 217,8 KiB belegt. Fortfahren? [j/n/? zeigt alle Optionen] (j): j Paket whois-5.1.1-1.17.x86_64 abrufen (1/1), 71,7 KiB (217,8 KiB entpackt) Fehler beim Einhängen von 'cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-14d5346542020202000000000000000000000000000000000' in '/var/adm/mount/AP_0x2ZCZUV': Mounting media failed (mount: no medium found on /dev/sr0) Legen Sie den Datenträger [SLES12-SP2-12.2-0] #1 ein und geben Sie 'j' ein, um fortzufahren, oder 'n', um den Vorgang abzubrechen. [ja/nein] (nein): j Überprüfung auf Dateikonflikte läuft: ..........................................................................................................[fertig] (1/1) Installieren: whois-5.1.1-1.17.x86_64 ....................................................................................................[fertig]
rerun the whois command at it turns out: someone from Russia is using my server as tor-node… hope only for privacy purposes… (for sure)
org-name: ALDIS Telecom Ltd
address: Russia, 142171, Moscow region, Scherbinka, Pushkinskaya str., 2
but also someone from those guys hotels using this network is using tor…
that worked very well – good job SUSE!
now the critique:
trying the same procedure with htop fails miserably….
suse:/proc # htop If 'htop' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this: cnf htop suse:/proc # zypper install htop Repository-Daten werden geladen... Installierte Pakete werden gelesen... 'htop' wurde in den Paketnamen nicht gefunden. Fähigkeiten werden durchsucht. Keine Anbieter von 'htop' gefunden. Paketabhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst... Keine auszuführenden Aktionen. suse:/proc # cnf htop htop: Kommando nicht gefunden. # what you will have to do zypper ar; # add this repository zypper se htop; # trust this key (i = immer, t = temporarily) zypper in htop; # install it
what could be improved?
don’t make life harder for your user – than it allready is 😀
imho such basic commands should come pre-installed “per default”(?) (some say top is enough 🙂
there you have it: “In my Linux career I started more than 10 years ago with SUSE Linux and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES).”
“In more recent years I have switched more and more to Debian and Ubuntu systems for Linux servers.”
“However on my new job I come across some SLES servers again and although zypper is an ok alternative to Debian’s apt”
“the original and supported repositories still lacks a lot of packages.”
“For example htop. Wait, what?! htop? It’s not part of the official repo? Meh…”
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