based on preparation of:
[cc lang=”bash” escaped=”true” width=”600″]
wc -w; # basically starting wc in “interactive” mode, quit with Ctrg+Z
joe is very hungry today
wc -w < termine; # word count, count the words in that file
cat artikel.txt termine | wc -w; # count words of two files artikel.txt and termine
user@suse:~> cat a* termine | wc -w; # count all words of all files in the current directory that start with an “a” but also all words in termine (same result)
cat << EOF; # instead of Ctrl+Z when typing EOF and hitting enter it runs the command and quits the program
> hello
> here it is
> warm
here it is
cat << EOF > editor_for_poor.txt; # starts cat in interactive mode, creates a file and writes to that file
> this was written
> with a very cheap editor
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