There is a plugin called CodeColorer By Dmytro Shteflyuk which is free and works great. (Description: This plugin allows you to insert code snippets to your posts with nice syntax highlighting powered by GeSHi library.)
Only problem: There is no “Insert Code” button in the visual editor TinyMCE… so you HAVE to remember what code is for what.
If you use it seldomly… you need to look up every time how this is done. Dmytro please change! 😉 (is not in Version 0.9.9)
Visit plugin site:
[cc lang="bash" escaped="true" width="600"]
# Block width in pixels
display php:
[cc lang="php" escaped="true" width="600"]
# Block width in pixels
display html:
[cc lang="html" escaped="true" width="600"]
# Block width in pixels
display javascript:
[cc lang="js" escaped="true" width="600"]
# Block width in pixels
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