Was die Abwehr von per Internet eingefangener Malware angeht ja, einfach deswegen weil weniger Malware für Macs geschrieben werden. (Werbe-Trojaner etc.)
ABER: Exploits (Sicherheitslücken) eines Macs sind wohl sogar noch leichter anzugreifen!
D.h. wenn ein Windows-Virus per Mail oder per Website kommt, interessiert das den OSX-Mac reichlich wenig.
Aber macht sich ein Hacker daran gezielt einen Mac zu übernehmen, dann könnte das leider erfolgreich verlaufen.
Browser-Plugins welche auf allen Browsern (Firefox gibt es für Linux, Mac, Windows) gleich sind, machen es möglich alle Systeme gleichzeitig in’s Visier zu nehmen, am ende läuft ja jedes Betriebsystem auf einer c-code kompatiblen Hardware. (x86)
User sollten google Chrome als browser verwenden und die Verwendung von Browser-Plugins (Flash, Java etc.) Seiten-basiert verhindern/erlauben.
DDZ: Comparing the level of security between two operating systems is difficult and only part of the picture. You need to factor in whom you are defending against, how resourced they are, and what the attack vectors are. For most of the readers of the magazine, their primary concern would be defending against malware while browsing the web. At present, a Mac with Snow Leopard is the safer option primarily due to its market share being well below Windows 7’s. From a targeted attack, however, it has been my experience that finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in Mac OS X is significantly easier than doing so in modern Windows systems (Vista and 7). However, the 3rd party plug-ins installed in most users’ browsers makes attacking even the latest and greatest Windows systems significantly easier. I recommend that users surf the web with Google Chrome, disable unnecessary plug-ins, and use site-based plug-in security settings for the plug-ins that they do need.
CM: There are two main issues with “security”. One is how many vulnerabilities does a platform have. The other is how hard is it to turn those vulnerabilities into an exploit. For the former, it is hard to measure how many bugs the OS and its default applications possess. However, experience shows me that OS X probably has more bugs than a Windows browser. Every QuickTime vulnerability is accessible through the browser, and there are a lot of those! As for difficulty of exploitation, Mac OS X is weaker than Windows 7 as well. The industry standard for stopping exploitation are Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and Data Execution Prevention (DEP). While these are highly technical terms, the fact is that Windows since Vista practises full ASLR and DEP while OS X does not. OS X only randomises some portions of memory and so does not have full ALSR and its DEP is limited to only 64-bit processes, like Safari, but does not affect 32-bit processes like Flash.
Source: http://www.h-online.com/security/features/Hackers-versus-Apple-1202598.html
Also beten, dass kein Chinese etwas was von einem will.
About Chrome Security:
Google Chrome and Browser Security
Google Chrome includes features to help protect you and your computer from malicious websites as you browse the web. Chrome uses technologies such as Safe Browsing, sandboxing, and auto-updates to help protect you against phishing and malware attacks.
Safe Browsing
Chrome will show you a warning message before you visit a site that is suspected of containing malware or phishing.
A phishing attack takes place when someone masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other hand, is software installed on your machine often without your knowledge, and is designed to harm your computer or potentially steal information from your computer.
With Safe Browsing technology enabled in Chrome, if you encounter a website suspected of containing phishing or malware as you browse the web, you will see a warning page like the one below. Learn more about how Safe Browsing works.
Sandboxing helps prevent malware from installing itself on your computer or using what happens in one browser tab to affect what happens in another. The sandbox adds an additional layer of protection to your browser by protecting against malicious web pages that try to leave programs on your computer, monitor your web activities, or steal private information from your hard drive.
To make sure that you are protected by the latest security updates, Chrome checks for updates regularly to make sure that it’s always kept up-to-date. The update check ensures that your version of Chrome is automatically updated with the latest security features and fixes without any action required on your part.
To learn more about how you can make full use of Chrome’s security features, check out the following articles:
- Gathering website security information with Google Chrome
- Tweaking Google Chrome’s security settings
Interested in the technical details? Read our blogposts on sandboxing, Safe Browsing, and new security features to protect users against threats such as XSS and click-jacking. You can also learn more about security, sandboxing and Safe Browsing in the Chrome comic book.
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