Tag: windows


… das ist deswegen, weil man wenigstens ein zuverlässiges Gerät braucht (auf welchem so gut wie keine Software installiert ist, nur das nötigste), welches zuverlässig die E-Mails abruft und einen relativ sicher im Internet surfen lässt und auch so “einfache” Dinge […]


question: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-networking/how-to-disable-network-discovery-by-registry-or/b38c3c5f-5214-44a2-ac65-3186949adbab?tm=1418243446272 same question: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Networking/Protocols/Q_28507535.html windows disable network discovery Browser search term: windows disable network discovery iphlpsvc konkret geht es hierum: exact same question:     http://blogs.technet.com/b/networking/archive/2010/12/06/disabling-network-discovery-network-resources.aspx in theory it could work like this, but simply firng the command netsh advfirewall […]


1. download http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/installers/archive/fp_15.0.0.167_archive.zip (got it from http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html you can also try previous versions, fp11 also worked) 2. extract the file flashplayer15_0r0_167_winax.msi 3. right click the file and click “install” 4. check if it worked by visiting this site or youtube: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html The “normal” way […]


“follow me and everything’s allright” (i hope so Uncle Kracker) https://dwaves.de/index.php/2014/11/11/install-flash-player-15-on-windows-8-embedded-finally-working/ trying older version of flash: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/installers/archive/fp_11.9.900.170_archive.zip -> flashplayer11_9r900_170_winax.msi -> this actually worked straight away. found here: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html it’s understandable that m$ wants flash under it’s control – rolling it by themselves to […]


If you check taskmgr and only can see one CPU core at (100%) work… you need atleast a second one. This procedure was tested on VirtualMachine with Win XP SP3: This worked for me (VirtualBox XP Pro)… 1) Go into c:windows […]


wo merkt sich speichert windows freigaben? Speichern und Wiederherstellen existierender Windows NT-Freigaben Hinweis: Diese Vorgehensweise gilt nur für NetBIOS-Freigaben und nicht für Macintosh-Volumes. 1.    Starten Sie den Registrierungseditor (Regedt32.exe) unter der bereits vorhandenen Windows-Installation, welche die Freigabenamen und -Berechtigungen, die […]