Tag: software


interesting example, for comparison (e.g. in TextWrangler (OSX)): procedural: [cc lang=”php” escaped=”true” width=”500″] ‘Tom’, ‘job’ => ‘Button-Pusher’, ‘age’ => 34 ); $person2 = array( ‘name’ => ‘John’, ‘job’ => ‘Lever-Puller’, ‘age’ => 41 ); // Output the starting values for […]


when the simple viewing of an EMail leads to Virus execution encrypting your holiday-pictures or music-collection… then there is something to learn: nothing man-made is 100% perfect/secure especially not when it’s something as complicated as software… or the financial-system. so […]


The rules of a successful life stand over the rules of software project management. 1. The meaning of life is to be happy. If you are not a psychopath (have social skills as compassion, empathy) you will also want others […]


Source: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000017.html Please also note my article: “The unfinished Art of Software Engineering” Saturday, July 21, 2001 Have a look at this little chart: [Source: Iris Associates] This is a chart showing the number of installed seats of the Lotus Notes workgroup […]


the software is called shopkeep and was first seen in New York, where we bought some joghurt 😀 Funktioniert 1A! Mit Kassenbong / inclusive Billprinter! Man kann sogar mit dem Finger unterschreiben. You can sign via your finger, no need for […]