Category: web

why internet explorer is a severe security problem

“As explained previously, this flaw could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on targeted computers and take full control over them just by convincing victims into opening a maliciously crafted web page on the vulnerable Microsoft browser.”

FREIES WLAN FÜR AALE (und die anderen Fische auch)

wishes for next year: free wifi for eels (and other creatures) Why does EVERYONE have to run their own WIFI / pay their OWN internet access? When it would be enough to have one fast internet access plus 2-3x WIFI […]


WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) changing port for […]

vestacp disable backups

WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) backups can become […]

a pretty good ipv6 introduction – ipv4 depletion

IPv6: Introduction it’s the year 2019, roughly 14% of the web is running ipv6. you can watch real time statistics here: (i have no clue how accurate the data is, how they are generated) … but it seems there […]

3d standard evolving on the browser

web3d awesome! you can walk here with cursor buttons and tilt up and down with mouse wheel: and even upload your own pictures: marbleous: But the website itself is pretty impressive: unfortunately the tux web flying simulator did […]


“the internet” in Germany is so slow… once your start page has finished loading… you actually forgot what you were searching for. (it has become better in Munich) PS: If this site ( loads slow – it is because the […]

HTTP Status Codes

1×× Informational 100 Continue 101 Switching Protocols 102 Processing 2×× Success 200 OK 201 Created 202 Accepted 203 Non-authoritative Information 204 No Content 205 Reset Content 206 Partial Content 207 Multi-Status 208 Already Reported 226 IM Used 3×× Redirection 300 […]

how to htaccess limit wordpress searches

lately this blog gets bombarded with queries like these: which decoded are Korean SPAM? which translates as: iptables / firewalld seem not to work and have to really really figure out why. until then this is a little workaround, it […]


Thanks! thanks to all the contributors of open source soft- and hardware and people that share their knowledge online for free 🙂 i hope/think that better technology could possibly also change humans to the better… freely sharing information surely does […]

JavaScript is evil (= a major security problem)

2020-12: another reason why JavaScript SUCKS badly and websites NEED TO WORK without JS: it might “destroy” NAT security: NAT Slipstreaming allows an attacker to remotely access any TCP/UDP service bound to a victim machine, bypassing the victim’s NAT/firewall (arbitrary […]

VestaCP disable roundcube webmail

WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) CentOS7: # search […]

DSGVO Datenschutz Impressum Generator – Der Bürokratie-Datenschutz-Horror

“In the world of Information Technology, change is constant, compliance is inevitable, adaptability is required” i would add: “resistance is futile” “In the world of Information Technology, change is constant, compliance is inevitable, adaptability is required; therefore, staying one-step ahead […]

compiling squid http proxy from source

checkout what is the latest version: probably this is more recent: you could also try git clone and compile with the git source tree… let me know if it worked. hostnamectl; # tested on [root@CentosMaster squid-4.0.21]# hostnamectl […]


  i did just some basic testing… and managed to compile the php7.3 binary – but the make install failed. it would help to have multiple cores… hostnamectl; # tested with Static hostname: CentosSlave Icon name: computer-vm Chassis: vm Operating […]

CentOS Redhat – compile Apache2 from source

i tried to compile under debian…. but it’s way more compli cated. also: you probably do not need all the packages stated here… but i did not have the time to sort those out sorry for that. feel free to […]

webserver software marketshare – NetCraft – Web Internet stats statistics – growth number of sites – total number of websites – internet stats statistics

according to apache(2 i guess) is still the dominant webserver on the internet with a market share of 50%. src: according to it is “only” 40% market share for the apache(2) webserver. also most sites are running […]

Free Web Video Conferencing with firefox

install firefox app and test it for free here: When Browsers start to talk to each other – Open Source HTML5 based Web Video Audio Conferencing WebCam ScreenSharing – Collaboration over internet WebRTC (“Web Real-Time Communication“) enables applications such […]